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Camtasia Discount Codes
Expired Coupons - Try them, they may still work! How To Get A Camtasia DiscountCamtasia Coupons For January 15, 2025 How to Redeem Our Camtasia CouponStep 1: While you are still on our site, click the “Reveal Code” button. This will open a pop-up window where our complete Camtasia discount code will be revealed. Copy the Camtasia coupon and keep it safe so you will have it for the checkout page on Camtasia’s site. Step 2: When you’re ready to buy, click “add to cart”. A pop-up will appear near the top of the page. Click “Review Cart & Checkout”. The checkout page will load. Step 3: Look near the top of the page on the left side. Underneath the green Camtasia logo you will see a small, blue text link that says “Enter a coupon code”. Click on this link. Step 4: A box will appear. Enter your Camtasia discount code where it says “Coupon Code”. Click “Apply”. Step 5: On the right, you will see your Total. This total should be updated to reflect your discount code. Do not click “Checkout” if this total isn’t updated to show your discount. About the Camtasia SoftwareCamtasia is a software that is both a screen recorder and video editor. People use Camtasia to record videos like tutorials, online meetings, webinars, and demo videos for other software. Saving Tips for Camtasia There are a few things to consider when you want to save money buying Camtasia. The first thing you can do is use our Camtasia discount at checkout. The next thing to know is that there is a free trial so you can test the software out before you buy. TechSmith, the company responsible for Camtasia, will require you to enter your email to join their newsletter before you can download the free trial. The trial is available for Windows or Mac. When you purchase Camtasia, you are buying a single license to use the software. You will be able to install the software on two different devices (either Windows or Mac) if you are buying an individual license. They also sell licenses for business, education, government, and nonprofit which differ in pricing. If you’re buying for a business, you can get a volume discount by buying multiple licenses at one time, so make sure you know how many licenses you’ll need before you buy. You’ll need to buy five or more licenses to get a discount. If you are also interested in the screen capture software “Snagit”, they offer a discount to add this to your purchase. To add this, load the Camtasia product page and scroll down. Information on adding Snagit to your cart is just below the fold, above the reviews for Camtasia. FAQs About Camtasia What is their refund policy? Is their software subscription based or lifetime? Does Camtasia offer updates and support? |