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Toonly Coupon Code
How To Get A Toonly DiscountToonly Coupons For February 27, 2025 Step 1: You need to secure your Toonly promo code on our site. The first thing to do is to click the “Reveal Code” button. A pop-up window will open containing your coupon. Copy the entire Toonly coupon code or write it down so you will have it ready when you get to the next step. Step 2: On the Toonly site, select your package, whether you want to pay monthly or annually, and wait for the cart to load. Step 3: At the top of the cart page, you’ll see an area for contact information, and then payment information, and then just below this (but above your order total) you will see the question “Have a Coupon?”. There is a small box underneath that says “Coupon code”. Enter our Toonly promo code in that box. Once you’ve entered the code, a white and blue arrow will load on the far right inside the box where you entered the code. Click on that arrow. Step 4: If entered correctly, the order total will be updated to reflect the discount. If not, the box will turn red and it will say “invalid” above the box. Do not click “Complete Purchase” until the order total reflects a coupon discount. About the Toonly Software Toonly is a software built for users to easily create animated explainer videos. It’s meant for businesses to sell products or services. The software is regularly updated with new characters and props for creating videos. Saving Tips for Toonly You can save on your Toonly purchase by using our Toonly promo code. Toonly is sold in a Standard package and Enterprise package. The Enterprise is a lot more expensive, but has a lot more features. For example, the Standard package comes with 15 characters available for you to use to make videos. The Enterprise package offers 35 characters. So for a little less than double the price, you get more than double the amount of characters. Another way to save is by looking at their subscription options. With either package, you can choose to pay monthly or yearly. If you know that you will use Toonly continuously, then the yearly package will save you a lot of money. By paying annually for either package, you save 49%. Of course, if you won’t be using this software the whole year, then the monthly package is the cheaper option. FAQs About Toonly What is their refund policy? Is their software subscription based or lifetime? Can I use Toonly on Mac? |
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About Toonly Toonly helps you create animated explainer videos. These are professional cartoon videos that you can make without having any design skills or technic ...more |